
Discover Luxembourg differently with your guide for one unforgettable day


Estimated read time: 2 minutes

If you've recently moved to Luxembourg, are a curious newcomer or simply have a passion for authentic discoveries, #GuideForOneDay is the event not to be missed this summer. Building on the success of its seven previous editions, the project is back for an eighth edition from 22 June to 8 September, with a clear mission: to offer you original and authentic visits far off the beaten track.

A unique and participatory experience

The #GuideForOneDay concept is based on a participatory approach that encourages people from different communities to meet and exchange ideas. Far from competing with traditional tourist offices, the project's volunteer guides bring a personal and passionate touch to each visit. They give up their free time to share the places they love with you, offering a unique and highly personalised experience.

Why join #GuideForOneDay?

  • Authenticity: Discover Luxembourg through the eyes of its passionate inhabitants. Each guide will take you to places that resonate with their personal history and passions.
  • Originality: The tours offered are a world away from the traditional tourist routes. You will have the opportunity to see aspects of Luxembourg that you won't find in traditional guidebooks.
  • Community: This is an excellent opportunity to meet other residents and newcomers, to make connections and share experiences.
  • Volunteering: The guides are volunteers who offer their time and knowledge, adding a warm, human dimension to each visit.

How to take part?

Taking part in #GuideForOneDay is free and easy. You can register online at the event's official website. Once registered, you can choose from a list of tours on offer and reserve your place on the ones that interest you. Remember, places are limited, so don't delay!

Join the locals this summer and let yourself be guided by passion and authenticity. For more information and to register, please visit the official #GuideForOneDay website. See you soon for a day of unforgettable discoveries in the heart of Luxembourg!

Guide for one day - (c) Claude Piscitelli_Visit Luxembourg

Guide for one day - (c) Claude Piscitelli_Visit Luxembourg

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