To honour the International Women's Day on the 8th of March 2021 – a date observed since 1911 – we put together a small portrait of an inspiring woman traveller of the early 20th century – Amelia Earhart.
The second largest city of the country, Esch-sur-Alzette is the heart of the southern region, the ‘Minett’. Culture, green spaces, shopping and industrial heritage cohabit here in an interesting kind of way.
Hiking has a long history and tradition in the Éislek. Only a few know that the beginnings of hiking tourism can be traced back to the early 1930s. Today, more than ever, outdoor exercise fulfils an important recreational function. But hiking tourism is also an important economic factor in the rural area of the Éislek.
Die Indianer jagten mit Hilfe von diesen zwei Gegenständen, die Hunnen benutzten sie zum kämpfen – Die Rede ist hier von Pfeil und Bogen. Das Bogenschießen kann auf eine mehrere tausend Jahre alte Geschichte zurückblicken. Lange Zeit waren Pfeil und Bogen eine der gefürchteten Waffen.
The village of Beaufort impresses with its castles and its amazing nature. Those interested in history, geology and hiking will get their money’s worth in the touristic centre of the Mullerthal Region – Luxembourg’s Little Switzerland.
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