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HIQ&S Certification

Beitrag vom 19.01.2023

Hostelling International recently concluded its HIQ&S audits of Luxembourg’s youth hostels and head office. The HIQ&S certification is awarded to hostels and national associations fulfilling a wide range of criteria relating to quality and sustainability.

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Head office

Von Herbergseltern, interessanten Begegnungen und Sternzeichen

Beitrag vom 30.06.2022

Der Münchner Walter Tiroke hat fast 2.500 Übernachtungen in mehr als 1.200 Jugendherbergen aufzuweisen


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Walter Tiroke bei seiner 1300sten Übernachtung in einer ausländischen Jugendherberge.

Carinthian Declaration of the European Youth Hostel Associations

Beitrag vom 07.04.2022

The representatives of the European Youth Hostel Associations gathered in Carinthia from 25.3. to 27.3.2022 within the framework of their annual European Regional Conference have unanimously adopted the following joint declaration:

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The central values of the International Youth Hostel Movement are peace, mutual respect and international understanding!

World Tourism Day 2020

Beitrag vom 24.09.2020

On the 27th of September every year, the world celebrates the World Tourism Day since its creation in 1980 by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). This organisation supports the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally acceptable tourism.

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The theme of this year’s event is ‘Global community unites to celebrate tourism and rural development’.

Say Hi to Flåm HI Hostel

Beitrag vom 05.03.2020

Next stop in our series presenting some of the countless youth hostels of Hostelling International, a non-profit organisation that manages a federation of non-profit youth hostel associations, is Norway. Why not enjoy a stay at the Flåm HI Hostel and discover the charming surroundings of this destination with its raw nature and breathtaking fjords?

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The hostel is located at the end of Norway's longest fjord, the Sognefjord.
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