Was man vorher schon wusste
Die zweitgrößte wallonische Stadt beherbergt 200.000 Einwohner und liegt am Ufer der Maas zwischen Aachen und Maastricht. Bekannt ist Liège oder auch Lüttich unter anderem für seine Universität, den Schriftsteller Georges Simenon und natürlich seine Waffeln. Das in Viertel eingeteilte Stadtzentrum lädt zum Flanieren, Shoppen und Staunen ein – und natürlich zum Verkosten der Lütticher Spezialitäten.
Next stop in our series presenting some of the countless youth hostels of Hostelling International, a non-profit organisation that manages a federation of non-profit youth hostel associations, is the Knockree youth hostel in Ireland.
Why become a Hostelling International member? Not only do we give our members a 10% discount on all hostels booked directly through our website, but there are tons of exclusive deals, benefits, discounts and unique offers for HI members in over 80 countries worldwide. One of the benefits we are presenting here is a 25 % discount on world-wide tours at Urban Adventures.
After the Stayokay Vondelpark in Amsterdam, we present our next stop, also member of Hostelling International, a non-profit organisation that manages a federation of non-profit youth hostel associations. The city of Guimarães is also located in Europe and its hostel HI Guimarães welcomes you during your stay.
Why become a Hostelling International member? Not only do we give our members a 10% discount on all hostels booked directly through our website, but there are tons of exclusive deals, benefits, discounts and unique offers for HI members in over 80 countries worldwide. One of the benefits we are presenting here is a 10 % discount on bus trips at Busbud.
Hier bieten wir die neuesten Infos zu unseren Jugendherbergen und viele nützliche Tipps zu Aktivitäten und Reisen.
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