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Say HI for Peace – Calling all Peace Seekers!

Beitrag vom 21.09.2023

Read time: 2 minutes

At Hostelling International, we’re all about making the world a better place. As the wise Eleanor Roosevelt once said, ‘It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.’ So, let’s roll up our sleeves and work together for peace!”

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The Ultimate Hiking Experience: Trails, Castles, and Luxembourg's Youth Hostels

Beitrag vom 14.09.2023

Read Time: 5 minutes

Luxembourg, a small yet enchanting country nestled in the heart of Europe, is a treasure trove for hiking enthusiasts. Whether you're venturing out solo, with family, or friends, the diverse landscapes promise an unforgettable adventure. The trails are also a perfect destination for various group activities, including school trips and team-building events.

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Hiking in the Müllerthal Region

Saveurs du Luxembourg, un voyage culinaire : F'rell am Rèisleck

Beitrag vom 07.09.2023

Temps de lecture: 3 minutes

Bienvenue dans notre nouvelle série mensuelle, "Saveurs du Luxembourg : un voyage culinaire." Chaque mois, nous vous présenterons une recette traditionnelle luxembourgeoise pour vous faire découvrir les richesses de notre patrimoine culinaire. Pour inaugurer cette série, nous avons choisi un plat emblématique : la F'rell am Rèisleck.

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Photo de Gregor Moser sur Unsplash

Ein Abend unter den Sternen: Überlebenskunst in Larochette

Beitrag vom 31.08.2023

Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

Die Jugendherberge Larochette bot am 19. August die perfekte Kulisse für ein magisches Naturerlebnis: das alljährliche „Survival by Night“. Ein Abend voller Mysterien und Abenteuer erwartete die Gäste und die Vorfreude war spürbar.

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Was braucht man zum Orientierungslauf ?

The Schueberfouer: A celebration of history, culture, and fun in Luxembourg

Beitrag vom 24.08.2023

Read time: 6 minutes

In the heart of Europe lies a grand spectacle that seamlessly interweaves the past with the present, tradition with modernity, and the young with the old - The Schueberfouer. Prepare yourself for an entertaining six-minute read that will transport you through centuries of rich history and vibrant culture. Grab yourself your favourite drink, settle in comfortably, and let us tell you the fascinating story of the Schueberfouer, a captivating tale that blends 683 years of tradition with modernity and unites people of all ages.

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Mir gesinn eis op der Fouer!
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