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Season's greetings!

Beitrag vom 21.12.2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Season's greetings to all! As we wrap up another remarkable year, we take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we've shared at Youth Hostels Luxembourg.

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Season's Greetings to everyone !

Say HI to Braga Youth Centre

Beitrag vom 14.12.2023

Read time: 3 minutes

Braga, a city woven into the rich tapestry of Portuguese history, beckons travellers with its captivating blend of ancient charm and vibrant youth culture. At the crossroads of tradition and modernity, Braga unfolds as a tale of architectural marvels and cultural treasures set in the verdant landscapes of northern Portugal. It's a destination where every cobblestone whispers tales of bygone eras, and every street corner offers a window into contemporary Portuguese life. This article invites you on a journey through Braga's storied streets, revealing the allure of this timeless city and the unique experiences it offers every visitor.

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Braga Youth Centre

Say Hi to … YHA Brisbane City in Autralia

Beitrag vom 02.11.2023

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Continuing our journey in the "Say HI to..." series, our next stop takes us to the sunshine state of Australia. We're thrilled to introduce you to YHA Brisbane City, a hostel that perfectly encapsulates the vibrant and adventurous spirit of Brisbane

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YHA Brisbane - Reception

Unterstützung des rumänischen Jugendherbergsverbandes: Eine Kollaboration mit Luxemburgs Jugendherbergen

Beitrag vom 26.10.2023

Lesezeit: 3 Minuten

In den letzten Jahren hat die Jugendherbergsbewegung in Rumänien einen Wendepunkt erreicht. Nach der Auflösung des ursprünglichen rumänischen Jugendherbergswerks im Jahr 2014 wurde ein neuer Ansatz zur Belebung dieses wichtigen Sektors des Tourismus erforderlich.

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Gérard Boby, Karl Rosner , Volker Reiter, Romain Weis, Peter Hengel

Say HI for Peace – Calling all Peace Seekers!

Beitrag vom 21.09.2023

Read time: 2 minutes

At Hostelling International, we’re all about making the world a better place. As the wise Eleanor Roosevelt once said, ‘It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.’ So, let’s roll up our sleeves and work together for peace!”

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