Labels, certificates and cooperation of Luxembourg’s youth hostels

In order to meet the expectations of the youth hostel guests, high quality is a top priority. Our youth hostels are quality-checked with various awards, labels and partnerships in the areas of sustainability, nature-friendliness, soft mobility and fair and regional food.


Hi Q&S symbol high

HIQ&S is a quality system designed and optimised for youth hostels by the umbrella organisation Hostelling International. The aim of the system is to guarantee a permanently high quality standard in a sustainable tourism structure. With regard to environmental friendliness, specific methods are used to continuously improve the quality standard.





The label ‘bed+bike’ Luxembourg is a quality award for bicycle-friendly guesthouses. All youth hostels in Luxembourg welcome cyclists all year round and guarantee them various services such as a bike cellar, a repair kit, packed lunches to go, stays for one night and much more.


Ecolabel Logo

The EcoLabel is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure. It is awarded to environmentally friendly businesses that are committed to sustainable tourism in the Grand Duchy according to numerous criteria. Inspection and advice are provided by the Pfaffenthal Eco-centre.




Sou schmaacht Lëtzebuerg is part of an awareness and information campaign to promote food from Luxembourg. In addition to shortening transport routes and supporting local producers, the main aim is to make consumers aware of the diversity of local products. All Melting Pots - the restaurants of the youth hostels - have been certified with the label.



The SuperDrecksKëscht® label is a recognised quality mark for environmentally sound waste management and prevention in businesses and institutions, awarded by the environmental administration as well as the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Crafts. Only businesses that put the comprehensive waste management concept into daily practice receive the label.






The LSC – ‘Luxembourg School for Commerce’ award certifies a hostel as an official training centre. Students do internships in various youth hostels in the areas of reception, kitchen or animation and can gain practical experience for their future careers.





In cooperation with Info-Handicap and the Directorate General for Tourism, the ‘EureWelcome’ is awarded to establishments and sights that are committed to barrier-free tourism. The requirements are based on the needs of people with disabilities as well as older visitors and families with children. Tourism for all!




mullerthal trailpartner

The youth hostels of Beaufort, Echternach and Larochette are all located in the immediate vicinity of the Mullerthal Trail quality trail and its extra tours and meet all the criteria of the partnership. As a hiking-friendly accommodation on the Mullerthal Trail, our youth hostels guarantee to meet hikers’ standards. However, all other hostels have also been awarded the same criteria, ensuring that all properties welcome hikers.



Partnerplakette digital

The Nature & Geopark is a special purpose association (joint association) of municipalities and the government. Nature & Geoparks support the sustainable development of a region - this means that social, ecological and economic concerns are taken into account in equal measure. Our youth hostels in Beaufort, Echternach and Larochette have been designated as partners. Partners of the Mëllerdall Nature & Geopark share the vision of strengthening the sustainable development of the region by taking into account economic, social and environmental aspects while safeguarding its geological, natural, cultural and intangible heritage.


Label - Qualitätsgastgeber - WEB

The youth hostels Lultzhausen and Vianden are located in the Éislek quality hiking region and meet all the criteria of the partnership. As hiker-friendly accommodation, our youth hostels guarantee hikers' standards. However, all other hostels have also been awarded the same criteria, ensuring that all properties welcome hikers.




All youth hostels in Luxembourg grant every visitor free access to the internet via Visual Online's WiFi hotspots.



